Different seed will germinate in different timeframes. Please refer to the specific product for estimated germination times.
Germination times are only indicative and there are many factors that affect germination. These include:
- Water - It is very important to maintain a consistent level of moisture in the soil throughout the germination period. Depending on the weather conditions this may require frequent light waterings. The aim is to not allow the soil to dry out at all during this time, however it is also important that the soil not become wet/waterlogged. Light but frequent watering is best.
- Temperature - The temperature, and in particular the night time temperatures affect germination times greatly. In cooler conditions, germination can take longer than the advised guidelines, and if cold enough, some (warm-climate) varieties may fail to germinate at all. Eg. Couch/Zoysia sown during a cold southern winter. The temperatures in some areas of your lawn may be cooler than others and may result in some areas germinating more quickly than others, giving a patchy look.
- Soil quality - A decent soil is important for both germination and lawn establishment. Ideally, soil should be free draining and contain a balanced mix of nutrient.
- Fertilser- A slow release starter fertiliser should be applied with the seed when sowing to promote rapid germination and support the grass growth through germination.
- Soil pH - The ideal pH for Bermuda Couch is 5.8-7.0
- Sowing - In order to achieve successful germination, it is important that the seed have good soil contact. This requires it to be lightly covered by the soil. If it is just sown/thrown on top of the soil, it is unlikely to germinate. If it's sown too deep, this can also impact successful germination. Rolling in of the seed often results in faster germination due to improved soil contact.
- Disturbance of the seed- it is important not to disturb the seed at all during the germination process, this includes not overseeding for a minimum of 8 weeks post seed application (or 6 weeks post germination).
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